Wednesday, September 29, 2010

C4K #1 Summary

For my first C4K, I had girl named Daisy Jacobo from Noel Elementary Class of 2011. My comment was on her about me. She is a very interesting girl! She’s a lot like me in the way that she has two well older siblings. I commented and said her blog was very good, and I loved her name. She has a really good head on her shoulders from her blog post. I told her it was great that she considers her family and friends to be very important because they are. Math has been easy for Daisy in the past but she is struggling a little with algebra. With that being said, I told her math does get harder but if she studies hard and ask questions it will become a lot easier.

My second post I commented on was Daisy’s manifesto blog post titled “Daisy Jacobo” . She promised in her post to be responsible, not to be tardy, behave, and get better grades. My response to Daisy said that she had set very good goals to try to accomplish. Trying to be responsible is great ,and not being tardy is good for her and her teacher. Also, behaving is a very important promise. Lastly , I told her trying to get better grades is a great goal to strive for and I hope she keeps these goals.

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